Why should one use special eye care? This frequently asked question highlights the significance of the matter. The eye area is 5 times thinner and ages 36 times faster than the rest of the skin, indicating a crucial need for tailored care.
We adore the first days of spring: long walks in the lingering cold, the heavenly scent of a hot cup of tea afterward, and the first gentle rays of sunshine on our faces. However, for our skin, the battle against dryness and cold isn't over yet. This is especially true for the eye area, which is particularly sensitive and always needs extra loving care.
The Right Eye Care
With years of experience in the beauty business, we know that if you consistently and wisely care for your eye area—morning and night, with intensive concentrates and nourishing eye creams—it quickly recovers from the stresses of daily life. So, how best to approach it? Here are some essential tips and tricks for the right care routine:
Morning and Night Routine: Apply eye care products both in the morning and at night to maintain hydration and protection.
Use Intensive Concentrates: Incorporate intensive concentrates to target specific concerns like puffiness or dark circles.
Nourishing Eye Creams: Choose nourishing eye creams that provide deep hydration and support the delicate skin around your eyes.
Pamper your eyes with the care they deserve and enjoy the beauty of spring with a refreshed and radiant look!
The area around the eyes is often the first to show its age and we say to ourselves: I wish I had started skincare earlier! So once again, prevention is better than cure and you're never too young for good eye care. And you're never too young for a healthy diet, enough water and, above all, fun! Because all of this adds up to a wonderful glow on your face - and your eyes are smiling too.